تحديد المنطق من جانب الخادم لنقطة نهاية: ثلاثة مناهج

وقد تم إعداد ترجمة المقال استعدادًا لبدء دورة "مطور سكالا"

, tapir HTTP. API, , , , .

, ( , , ), . , tapir!


, .

, . , . baseEndpoint, : . , , , .

import java.util.UUID

import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.json.circe._
import io.circe.generic.auto._
import sttp.model.StatusCode

case class AuthToken(token: String)
case class Error(msg: String, statusCode: StatusCode) extends Exception

val error: EndpointOutput[Error] = stringBody.and(statusCode).mapTo(Error)
val baseEndpoint: Endpoint[AuthToken, Error, Unit, Nothing] = endpoint
      .description("Only authorized users can add pets")
  .in("api" / "1.0")

, . -:

case class User(id: UUID, name: String)
case class Pet(id: UUID, kind: String, name: String)

val getPet: Endpoint[(AuthToken, UUID), Error, Pet, Nothing] =
    .in(query[UUID]("id").description("The id of the pet to find"))
    .description("Finds a pet by id")

val addPet: Endpoint[(AuthToken, Pet), Error, Unit, Nothing] =
    .description("Adds a pet")

, , . , . Future -, - Future.

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

//    Error,    
def authorize(authToken: AuthToken): Future[User] = ???
def findPetForUser(user: User, id: UUID): Future[Option[Pet]] = ???
def addPetToUser(user: User, pet: Pet): Future[Unit] = ???

val getPetWithLogic = getPet.serverLogicRecoverErrors {
  case (authToken, id) =>
    authorize(authToken).flatMap { user =>
      findPetForUser(user, id).flatMap {
        case Some(pet) => Future.successful(pet)
        case None      => Future.failed(Error("Not found", StatusCode.NotFound))

val addPetWithLogic = addPet.serverLogicRecoverErrors {
  case (authToken, pet) =>
    authorize(authToken).flatMap { user =>
      addPetToUser(user, pet)

, , , Exception, - , , .

, , , akka-http Route, akka-http .

import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
import sttp.tapir.server.akkahttp._
val routes: Route = List(getPetWithLogic, addPetWithLogic).toRoute

//  , 

. , , . , Authorization. , , . , , , .

import java.util.UUID

import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer}
import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.model.StatusCode

case class AuthToken(token: String)
case class Error(msg: String, statusCode: StatusCode)
case class User(id: UUID, name: String)
case class Pet(id: UUID, kind: String, name: String)

def authorize(authToken: AuthToken): IO[Either[Error, User]] = ???
def findPetForUser(user: User, id: UUID): IO[Either[Error, Option[Pet]]] = ???
def addPetToUser(user: User, pet: Pet): IO[Either[Error, Unit]] = ???


-. , ( : serverLogicForCurrent), ( ):

import sttp.tapir.json.circe._
import io.circe.generic.auto._
import sttp.tapir.server.PartialServerEndpoint

val error: EndpointOutput[Error] = stringBody.and(statusCode).mapTo(Error)
val secureEndpoint: PartialServerEndpoint[User, Unit, Error, Unit, Nothing, IO] = 
    .in("api" / "1.0")

, PartialServerEndpoint. / ( , ).

! , , , — , .

, /, , , : (: User) .

val getPetWithLogic =
    .in(query[UUID]("id").description("The id of the pet to find"))
    .description("Finds a pet by id")
    .serverLogic {
      case (user, id) =>
        findPetForUser(user, id).map {
          case Right(Some(pet)) => Right(pet)
          case Right(None)      => Left(Error("Not found", StatusCode.NotFound))
          case Left(error)      => Left(error)

val addPetWithLogic =
    .description("Adds a pet")
    .serverLogic((addPetToUser _).tupled)

, , , case . , IO . , IO[Either[Error, _]].

ServerEndpoint ( , ). , , IO , http4s.

// the endpoints are interpreted as an http4s.HttpRoutes[IO]
import sttp.tapir.server.http4s._
import org.http4s.HttpRoutes
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec)
implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec)
val routes: HttpRoutes[IO] = List(getPetWithLogic, addPetWithLogic).toRoutes

// expose routes using http4s

tapir , . , tapir-core tapir-json-circe.

- - . . . , (, cookies):

import java.util.UUID
import io.circe.generic.auto._
import sttp.model.StatusCode
import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.json.circe._

object Endpoints {
  case class AuthToken(token: String)
  case class Error(msg: String, statusCode: StatusCode) extends Exception
  case class User(id: UUID, name: String)
  case class Pet(id: UUID, kind: String, name: String)

  val error: EndpointOutput[Error] = stringBody.and(statusCode).mapTo(Error)
  val baseEndpoint: Endpoint[AuthToken, Error, Unit, Nothing] = 
      .in("api" / "1.0")

  val getPet: Endpoint[(AuthToken, UUID), Error, Pet, Nothing] =
      .in(query[UUID]("id").description("The id of the pet to find"))
      .description("Finds a pet by id")

  val addPet: Endpoint[(AuthToken, Pet), Error, Unit, Nothing] =
      .description("Adds a pet")

, , . .

( ), serverLogicPart, ( ), .

serverLogicPart , ( , ). ServerEndpointInParts .

, , , , ( ) , , .

, - , , User:

object Server {
  import Endpoints._
  import scala.concurrent.Future
  import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

  // should fail with Error if user not found
  def authorize(authToken: AuthToken): Future[Either[Error, User]] = ???
  def findPetForUser(user: User, id: UUID): Future[Either[Error, Option[Pet]]] = ???
  def addPetToUser(user: User, pet: Pet): Future[Either[Error, Unit]] = ???

  val getPetWithLogic = getPet.serverLogicPart(authorize).andThen {
    case (user, id) =>
      findPetForUser(user, id).map {
        case Right(Some(pet)) => Right(pet)
        case Right(None)      => Left(Error("Not found", StatusCode.NotFound))
        case Left(error)      => Left(error)

  val addPetWithLogic = addPet.serverLogicPart(authorize)
    .andThen((addPetToUser _).tupled)

  // the endpoints are now interpreted as an akka.http.scaladsl.Route
  import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
  import sttp.tapir.server.akkahttp._
  val routes: Route = List(getPetWithLogic, addPetWithLogic).toRoute

  //  ,  akka-http

, ServerEndpoint. , Future akka-http.


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  • , . / ( ), .
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, , tapir, HTTP!


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