تقديم إشعارات الدفع عبر الأنظمة الأساسية: الشروع في العمل

يوم جيد! اسمي فلاديمير ستولياروف ، أنا مطور خلفي في فريق اتصالات العملاء في DomKlik. في هذه المقالة ، سأرشدك إلى كيفية تنفيذ إشعارات الدفع عبر الأنظمة الأساسية. على الرغم من أن الكثير قد كتب بالفعل حول هذا ، أود أن أتحدث عن بعض الفروق الدقيقة التي كان علينا مواجهتها في عملية التنفيذ. لفهم أفضل لما يحدث ، سنكتب معك أيضًا تطبيق ويب صغير يمكنه قبول الإشعارات الفورية.

تحتاج أولاً إلى فهم المكان الذي نريد إرسال الإشعارات الفورية فيه على الإطلاق. في حالتنا ، هذا موقع ويب وتطبيق iOS وتطبيق Android.

لنبدأ بإشعارات الويب. لتلقيها ، يتصل المتصفح بخادم الدفع الخاص به ، ويعرف نفسه ويستقبل الإشعارات لعامل الخدمة (يتم تشغيل حدث فيه push). الفارق الدقيق هنا هو أن كل متصفح لديه خدمة دفع خاصة به:

, - IETF (https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/webpush/documents/), API , .

Android. :

iOS. Android, Apple — Apple Push Notification service (APNs).

: , API ? , , Firebase Cloud Messaging, Android, - APNs. : Huawei Google Apps Huawei Push Kit, Firebase Cloud Messaging.

, :

  1. - — .
  2. , .
  3. .

- Firebase . Firebase -. HTTP- .


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>   </title>
    <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/7.14.5/firebase-app.js"></script>
    <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/7.14.5/firebase-messaging.js"></script>
        function toClipboard(text) {
            const tmp = document.createElement('textarea');
            tmp.hidden = true;
            tmp.value = text;
            alert("Copied the text: " + text);
    <button onclick="enableNotifications()"> </button>
    <div id="pushTokenLayer" hidden>
        Firebase token <code id="pushTokenValue" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="toClipboard(this.innerText)"></code><br/>
        async function enableNotifications() {
            // Insert your firebase project config here
            const firebaseConfig = {};

            const app = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
            const messaging = app.messaging();

            const permission = await Notification.requestPermission();
            if (permission !== 'granted') {
                console.log("user denied notifications")

            const token = await messaging.getToken();


            const pushTokenValue = window.document.getElementById("pushTokenValue");
            pushTokenValue.innerText = token

-. /firebase-messaging-sw.js. .

, , . API ( ). :

curl -X POST 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send' \
-H 'Authorization: key=<fcm server key>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
 "to" : "<  >",
 "notification" : {
     "body" : "Body of Your Notification",
     "title": "Title of Your Notification"


, : - , (.. ). .

, . setBackgroundMessageHandler. -, :

messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler((payload) => {
  console.log('Message received. ', payload);
  // ...

-, … , . ? :

Note: If you set notification fields in your message payload, your setBackgroundMessageHandler callback is not called, and instead the SDK displays a notification based on your payload.

notification . , .

, , . firebase-messaging-sw.js:

self.addEventListener("push", event => { event.waitUntil(onPush(event)) });

async function onPush(event) {
    const push = event.data.json();
    console.log("push received", push)

    const { notification = {} } = {...push};

    await self.registration.showNotification(notification.title, {
        body: notification.body,

json js-, , . waitUntil : , - onPush.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>   </title>
    <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/7.14.5/firebase-app.js"></script>
    <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/7.14.5/firebase-messaging.js"></script>
        function toClipboard(text) {
            const tmp = document.createElement('textarea');
            tmp.hidden = true;
            tmp.value = text;
            alert("Copied the text: " + text);
    <form onsubmit="enableNotifications(this); return false" action="#">
        User ID <input type="number" name="userID" required/>
        <input type="submit" value=" "/>
    <div id="pushTokenLayer" hidden>
        Firebase token <code id="pushTokenValue" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="toClipboard(this.innerText)"></code><br/>
        <button onclick="logout()"></button>
        // Insert your firebase project config here
        const firebaseConfig = {};

        const app = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
        const messaging = app.messaging(); // this fails if browser not supported

        async function getMe() {
            const resp = await fetch(`${window.location.origin}/api/v1/users/me`, {
                credentials: "include",

            if (resp.status === 401) {
                return null;
            if (!resp.ok) {
                throw `unexpected status code ${resp.status}`

            return await resp.json();

        async function sendToken(token) {
            const me = await getMe();
            if (me === null) {
                console.error("unauthorized on send token");


            const resp = await fetch(`${window.location.origin}/api/v1/tokens`, {
                method: "POST",
                body: JSON.stringify({
                    token: {token: token, platform: "web"}
                credentials: "include",
            if (!resp.ok) {
                console.error("send token failed");

            // put current user to local storage for comparison
            window.localStorage.setItem("push-token-user", JSON.stringify(me));

            then(me => {
                if (!me) {
                    // if user not authorized we must invalidate firebase registration
                    // to prevent receiving pushes for unauthorized user
                    // this may happen i.e. if 'deleteToken' failed on logout
                    console.log(`user unauthorized, invalidate fcm registration`);
                    return null;

                // if user authorized and it's not user that received push token earlier
                // we also must invalidate token to prevent receiving pushes for wrong user
                // this may happen if i.e. user not logged out explicitly
                let pushTokenUser = window.localStorage.getItem("push-token-user");
                if (pushTokenUser && JSON.parse(pushTokenUser).id !== me.id) {
                    console.log("token for wrong user, invalidate fcm registration");
                    pushTokenUser = null;

                // if user authorized and permission granted but token wasn't send we should re-send it
                if (!pushTokenUser && Notification.permission === "granted") {
                    console.log("token not sent to server while notification permission granted");
            catch(e => console.log("get me error", e))

        // according to sources of firebase-js-sdk source code registration token refreshed once a week
        messaging.onTokenRefresh(async () => {
            const newToken = await messaging.getToken();
            pushTokenValue.innerText = newToken;
            console.log(`updated token to ${newToken}`)
            await sendToken(newToken)

        async function enableNotifications(form) {
            const loginResponse = await fetch(`${window.location.origin}/api/v1/users/login`, {
                method: "POST",
                body: JSON.stringify({
                    id: Number(form.elements.userID.value),
            if (!loginResponse.ok) {
                alert("login failed");

            const permission = await Notification.requestPermission();
            if (permission !== 'granted') {
                console.log("user denied notifications")

            const token = await messaging.getToken();


            const pushTokenValue = window.document.getElementById("pushTokenValue");
            pushTokenValue.innerText = token

            await sendToken(token)

        async function logout() {
            const messaging = firebase.messaging();
            await messaging.deleteToken();
            console.log(`deleted token from firebase`)
            window.document.getElementById("pushTokenLayer").setAttribute("hidden", "");
            await fetch(`${window.location.origin}/api/v1/users/logout`, {
                method: "POST",
                credentials: "include",

, Go. , :

type MemoryStorage struct {
    mu          sync.RWMutex
    userTokens  map[uint64][]Token
    tokenOwners map[string]uint64

func NewMemoryStorage() *MemoryStorage {
    return &MemoryStorage{
        userTokens:  map[uint64][]Token{},
        tokenOwners: map[string]uint64{},

type Token struct {
    Token    string `json:"token"`
    Platform string `json:"platform"`

func (ms *MemoryStorage) SaveToken(ctx context.Context, userID uint64, token Token) error {
    defer ms.mu.Unlock()

    owner, ok := ms.tokenOwners[token.Token]
    // if old user comes with some token it's ok
    if owner == userID {
        return nil
    // if new user come with existing token we
    // should change it's owner to prevent push target mismatch
    if ok {
        ms.deleteTokenFromUser(token.Token, owner)

    ut := ms.userTokens[userID]
    ut = append(ut, token)
    ms.userTokens[userID] = ut

    ms.tokenOwners[token.Token] = userID

    return nil

func (ms *MemoryStorage) deleteTokenFromUser(token string, userID uint64) {
    ut := ms.userTokens[userID]
    for i, t := range ut {
        if t.Token == token {
            ut[i], ut[len(ut)-1] = ut[len(ut)-1], Token{}
            ut = ut[:len(ut)-1]
    ms.userTokens[userID] = ut

func (ms *MemoryStorage) UserTokens(ctx context.Context, userID uint64) ([]Token, error) {
    defer ms.mu.RUnlock()

    tokens := ms.userTokens[userID]
    ret := make([]Token, len(tokens))
    copy(ret, tokens)

    return ret, nil

func (ms *MemoryStorage) DeleteTokens(ctx context.Context, tokens []string) error {
    defer ms.mu.Unlock()

    for _, token := range tokens {
        user, ok := ms.tokenOwners[token]
        if !ok {
            return nil

        ms.deleteTokenFromUser(token, user)
    return nil



  • , - . - / .
  • -. Firebase , , .
  • - . .

, ( ):

  • - , , , . firebase-js-sdk, , onTokenRefresh .
  • -. , Firebase . .
  • . .. , . . - , . , - . : .
  • , . : , ( Android/iOS , — ), .

, , . … ?

, Huawei . . , — HTTP- . , Firebase, Huawei : .

: ( UUID) . HTTP-, . firebase-messaging-sw.js:

self.addEventListener("push", event => { event.waitUntil(onPush(event)) });

async function onPush(event) {
    const push = event.data.json();
    console.log("push received", push)

    const { notification = {}, data = {} } = {...push};

    await self.registration.showNotification(notification.title, {
        body: notification.body,

    if (data.id) {
        await fetch(`${self.location.origin}/api/v1/notifications/${data.id}/confirm`, { method: "POST" })

, . setBackgroundMessageHandler? , , Firebase ( Huawei) ( API) , , ( notification) data-. , , data- , .

- , firebase-js-sdk -, Android . Android data notification, .

APNs mutable-content 1, , , HTTP-. , - iOS , .

: data- , - , . , , Telegram , .

: , , , 15 , . , , TTL .

. , :

  • Android ( Huawei) — 40 %
  • Web — 50 %
  • iOS — 70 %

Huawei . , , , , ..



, -, , , -, .

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